Rachel scooted forward for the first time on Tuesday! She has been scooting backwards for a few weeks now, but she finally made it in the right direction. I was trying to get her to do it all morning, but it ended up happening when I was wrapping Matt's birthday present. I had stopped trying to tempt her with various toys and just let her lie on her tummy in front of where I was wrapping. She wanted that tissue paper so bad!! The distance totaled about 6 inches, which is 6 inches more than she has ever scooted before. It is so cute to watch her stretch her little arms as far as they will go and then dig her toes into the ground to inch forward just a little bit. Then she stretches her arms again to see if she if she can get it with out too much more effort. She actually scooted a couple of times on Tuesday, so I think she will be crawling really soon.
Last week our friends Sara and Brandon had a litter of baby bunnies staying at their apartment for a few days. Brandon has a wildlife control company and removed them from a woman's yard. Rachel and I went over to play with them. She liked watching them hop around her. When I sat one of them near her she patted it and then tried to squeeze it (see picture). We had to take it away quick! Poor kid doesn't know her own strength.