Over the past year, I've received a few inquires about what I do all day. I am now going to answer that question:
*Disclaimer- This is a "good day" schedule. I definitely have quite a few days where I only get off the couch to feed or change Rachel. We're working on that.
6:00- Rachel is up and ready to play!
7:00- Breakfast, hang out with Matt before he leaves at 7:30 (he gets up with her every other day, in which case I sleep until 7:00)
7:30-9:00- Play in the family room, go for a walk
9:00-10:30- Rachel takes a nap. I try and clean for about 45 minutes (remember, this is a good day schedule), then I shower and check my email, facebook, etc. The internet can suck you in, chew you up, and spit you out if you let it! Has anyone else noticed that? This is also my scripture reading time.
10:30-1:30- We have a snack, play for a while, have lunch, and play some more. The cutest thing she does right now is snuggle with me after her nap. I hold her on my lap and read or sing to her while she holds her baby doll and gives it "kisses". She will sit there for probably 15 minutes without getting antsy. It is so cute!
She is usually in the best mood right after her nap, so that is when I try and let her play on her own while I do other things (after snuggle time, of course). The only problem is that she likes to be in the same room as me ALL THE TIME. If I am sitting on the couch she will happily play with her toys by herself, but she crawls right along behind me if I head into another area of the apartment.
Sometimes during this time we walk to the mall and play in the kids' area. We also go out to lunch with my friend once a week or so.
1:45-3:15- Rachel naps again. I usually watch TV, read, or scrapbook. I also try and get dinner started during her nap.
3:30-5:30- We have a snack and play some more. About 3 times a week we go swimming, either just the 2 of us or with some of my friends. We love the pool! From 4:30-6:30 is by far Rachel's least favorite time of day, so it is nice to fill it up with pool time. Not quite sure what we'll do this winter...
5:30-6:00- Have dinner and wait for Matt to come home. Sometimes we watch the Food Network to help preserve my sanity.
6:30- Daddy comes home!!!!! He and I have dinner.
7:00-7:30- Rachel goes to bed. Matt and I usually watch a movie or read. I occasionally work on scrapbooking, but I'm in the market for an additional hobby if anyone has any ideas...
10:00-10:30- I go to bed and fall asleep in about 3 seconds. Matt sometimes stays up playing computer games for a half hour.
There you have it! This was a long and detailed post, sorry if I lost a few of you along the way.
I'm so glad for the preview of what my life will soon be like! You are too funny! So what do you do when they're just teeny, before 'play' really applies??
I've heard Calligraphy is a cool hobby and it could compliment the scrapbooking.
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