Wednesday, August 13, 2008

10 things that make me happy

So the 3 of us have been sick for the past week (that doesn't make me happy, this is the introduction). Have you ever noticed that when you are sick all the little problems in life seem like huge, insurmountable tasks that make you doomed to failure? And you realize on a logical level that you should just THINK ABOUT THAT PROBLEM LATER, but on an emotional level you can't help but stress about it? And really nothing bad is going to happen if you put life on hold for a few days and work on getting better, but you just can't seem to relax?
Maybe you don't do that, but I sure do. It drives Matt crazy :). So this post is dedicated to my incredibly blessed life: I'm focusing on the positive for 20 minutes and then I'm going to bed early!

10- (although these are not necessarily in order of importance)- We have indoor plumbing. That seems silly, but I go to the bathroom a lot now that I've had a baby and I think at least once a day about how different life would be without toilets and showers. And dishwashers! And washers and dryers! I love toilets, I really do. What an invention.

9- Rachel is starting to walk and is incredibly proud of herself when she takes a few steps.

8- I have such a great immediate/extended family, and because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I get to be with them FOREVER if I keep my part of the covenants I made in the temple. That is hands down my favorite thing about the gospel. Who wouldn't want an eternity with Matt and the cutest toddler in the world?

7- This summer has not been nearly as hot as last summer. Not by a long shot.

6- Matt and I are going to Brazil in 2 WEEKS!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

5- I have agency. That is my second favorite aspect of the gospel (are we allowed to pick favorite doctrine?). And I live in a country that lets me exercise that agency.

4- Matt has a good job with a reasonable commute and makes enough money to provide for all of our needs and most of our wants. He enjoys his job for the most part and very rarely has to work more than 40 hours a week.

3- Matt never trivializes my job at home with Rachel. He is very supportive and has never made me feel like "just" a stay at home mom. Plus he does way more than his fair share of the parenting/housework.

2- Chocolate. What do people who don't love chocolate do with their lives?

1- Rachel loves to snuggle and read with me after her naps. I can't even begin to describe how happy it makes me when she lets me cuddle her and read to her. At 6:15 this morning I curled up on the futon in her room and groggily stumbled through a book while holding her and her stuffed doggy so tight. Even in my half asleep this-is-way-too-early-to-be-up state I realized that these will be memories I'll think of for the rest of my life. I try to enjoy every single reading session we have, even if I'm tired or sick. I have a terrible memory, so my childhood is a bit hazy for me, but I do remember reading and baking cookies with my mom. A lot of reading and a lot of cookies! So far I'm 2 for 2 with Rachel :) I figure if I've got those things covered the rest of life with work itself out.

Matt and Rachel in January or February. She loves her daddy.


Jen Taylor said...

rude. chocolate. i keep you company 4 days a week. and chocolate makes it on the list. you know, first you give your children to others to raise, and now you love chocolate! RUDE!

The Kodak Moments of our Life said...

Hey Guys! I found your blog. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my friends link. Rachel is getting so big. She is such a cute girl!

Jen Taylor said...

rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude rude!!!!!!!

jen said...

You are such a great example of being optimistic Michelle! And spiritual. Sometimes (ok, pretty much ALL the time!) I feel so...hmm..not? ha ha Are you feeling any better, you and the sickly crew? We need to get together soon

Dave Taylor said...

Michelle, you're awesome.