Friday, February 29, 2008

Carbo loading

Matt and I were watching the food network last night (of course) and saw something we had never thought of before. Two women who participate in triathlons created a delicious chocolate chip cookie to carbo load with because they didn't like energy bars (and who can blame them?). Then they started their own bakery in New York. Now, it seems to me that there are some nutritional differences between energy bars and big, thick, gooey chocolate chip cookies, but no one can deny that the cookies would taste better! So we figured out that we just need to start doing triathlons. We already have the cookie making down and we already carbo load, so step 3 is doing something with all those carbs! Triathlons here we come!

1 comment:

Sara Stevenson said...

Ha ha...what a discovery. I want to join!:) Ps I never grabbed those clothes from you yesterday. Maybe I'll stop by after I get my hair done today. I'll call ya. Hope you have a good morning!